We are excited to announce the development of our new blocks interface, a revolutionary feature that will transform the way you compose music. Our team has been hard at work creating a tool that will simplify the composition process and provide greater control over your music creations.

The blocks interface is a powerful tool that allows users to easily add and arrange different song elements, such as verses and choruses, by simply tapping a button and selecting from a list of block types. The ownership of each block is automatically divided based on the number of blocks contributed by each collaborator, making it easy to track ownership and ensure fair compensation.

With the blocks interface, you can focus on creating music without worrying about the technical aspects of composition. Our platform’s intuitive and user-friendly design allows you to effortlessly move blocks around, edit lyrics, and tweak melodies, so you can create music that truly represents your artistic vision.

We are currently gearing up for public testing and are excited to get your feedback on this new feature. Our goal is to create a platform that streamlines the composition process, reduces complexity, and saves time for music creators.

Thank you for being a part of our beta testing community and for helping us make Jammaround the best it can be. We look forward to continuing to work with you as we bring this exciting new feature to market.

Best regards,

The Jammaround Team