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Where is JammAround headquartered?

New Orleans, Louisiana

Who can use JammAround?


Is JammAround a streaming app?

No, JammAround is a composition app that enables users to create and store music arrangements collaboratively on the cloud.

Is JammAround an alternative to logic or pro tools?

No, JammAround is not competing for market share in the music recording industry. We are providing a way to streamline the music composition process using our collaborative composer tools. The composition process is the first step in the music supply chain. The recording process is the second stage of the supply chain.Is JammAround still in beta testing?

Yes, we ran an open beta from May-September. We are running closed beta in preparation for our official release.

Deleting your account

In order to delete your account go to the settings tab and select Delete Account at the bottom.

What to do if you suspect your account has been accessed by someone else?

If you suspect your account has been hacked, reset your password immediately and contact our support for resources on keeping your account more secure. support@jammaround.com

Report User

If you are being harassed by a user the report user button will be located on their profile page

How does Jamm Around work?

  1. Create an account
  2. Access Jammpad
  3. Create lyrics or upload sounds
  4. Discover collaborators
  5. Add collaborators


Use the recording feature to create reference tracks for your flows and lyric approach.


You can use the dictionary to look up word meanings.


As you type into the jammpad, you will see rhymes appear at the bottom.

Files are stored locally on your phone unless you create an account.

Search users by resource to find creators who can add value to your work

Jammaround, Inc. 2024. All Rights Reserved 

Jammaround provides access to independent music rights professionals and self-service resources for music rights management and registration. We are not a legal firm and do not provide legal advice. Your use of our music rights management tools and registration services is subject to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.Â