
Protect Your Music with Our .jamm File Creation and Copyright Registration Case Study

Join our .jamm file creation and copyright registration case study to protect your musical works! Our goal is to provide artists with a secure and efficient way to safeguard their creative output, and we would love for you to be a part of this process.

Our case study will validate the effectiveness of .jamm files as a method of protection for musical works. We will manually produce a .jamm file from your song and register it with the copyright office on your behalf. This will provide legal protection for your song and allow you to enforce your copyright if necessary.

Fill out form

The form will gather the necessary information to create your .jamm file and register it with the U.S. Copyright office. 

Protection Process

We will create a .jamm file that will hold lyric, audio, and ownership data before registering that data with the Copyright office.


We will send you the file and the Copyright office will mail you your certificate once it comes back.

Fill out form

The form will gather the necessary information to create your .jamm file and register it with the U.S. Copyright office. 

Protection process

We will create a .jamm file that will hold lyric, audio, and ownership data before registering that data with the Copyright office.


We will send you the file and the Copyright office will mail you your certificate once it comes back.


  1. Both musical works and sound recordings are eligible for registration with our .jamm file creation and copyright registration service. Musical works include compositions, songs, and other works that involve the creation of music. Sound recordings refer to a particular recording of a musical work.

  2. Please note that copyright protection for musical works (lyrics + instrumental) and sound recordings (master) is separate. However, if an artist has both musical works and sound recording, it can be filed under one application together. When filling out the form for our case study, you will filling out information for both copyrights. 

  3. For musical works, please provide information about the underlying composition, such as the title, artist name, collaborators (if any), and any other relevant details. For sound recordings, please provide information about the particular recording.

  4. When we produce a .jamm file from your submission, we will combine the audio and metadata of your musical work or sound recording into a single file. We will then register the file with the copyright office on your behalf, providing legal protection for your work.

  5. Once your .jamm file is registered, we will provide you with a copy of the file and a certificate of registration for your records.

Please note that this is a manual process for now, so it may take some time for us to produce and register your .jamm file. However, we are working on developing an app called Jammaround that will allow you to create .jamm files on your own in the future.

Thank you for participating in our case study to validate the effectiveness of .jamm files for copyright protection. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to contact us.