Unleashing the Potential of LLMs and Audio Models on Music

Imagine a world where artificial intelligence (AI) and advanced technologies like Large Language Models (LLMs) and audio models take center stage in the realm of music. It’s happening, and it’s revolutionizing the way we create, share, and listen to music. This isn’t about AI aiming to replace the likes of Mozart or Taylor Swift. Instead, it’s about AI working tirelessly […]

The Role of AI in Music Creation: Balancing Human Artistry and Technological Advancements

Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought significant changes to the music industry, raising profound questions about the delicate equilibrium between human artistry and technological advancements. In this blog post, we explore the implications of AI in music creation and discuss the need for maintaining the essence of human expression in the face of rapid technological progress. Disruption and Artist Fatigue Legacy […]

Get Ready for a More Productive Songwriting Experience with Our Blocks Interface

We are excited to announce the development of our new blocks interface, a revolutionary feature that will transform the way you compose music. Our team has been hard at work creating a tool that will simplify the composition process and provide greater control over your music creations. The blocks interface is a powerful tool that allows users to easily add […]

The Importance of Music Collaboration in Today’s Songwriting Process

Collaboration has always been an important part of the songwriting process. From co-writing with othersongwriters to working with producers and musicians, collaboration can bring new perspectives and ideas to a song. In today’s digital age, music collaboration has become even more important thanks to the wide range of tools and platforms available. One of the biggest benefits of music collaboration […]

Understanding Music Royalties: How to Make Sure You’re Getting Paid for Your Work

As a musician, it’s essential to receive payment for your work. Music royalties are the income earned from the use of your songs, whether it’s through live performances, streaming, or other means. In this article, we’ll explain the basics of music royalties, how to ensure you’re getting paid, and how to increase your earnings. First, let’s break down the two […]